Hemingstone Neighbourhood Watch Group has 96 WhatsApp members and has now become more of a neighbourhood support group. It continues to report suspicious behaviour and incidents but it has also provided a space for people to support each other in times of need such as during the power cuts in the winter of 2022 when one of our members, who works for UK Power Networks, was even  able to keep the village updated with the latest information. Members also share ways of helping each other, local news and activities and even Jam recipes. However, there is a danger of there being an excessive amount of unnecessary responses. Remember every time you post 96 people's phones go ping if they aren't on silent. So before you respond please think whether it's helpful to the whole group or whether it might be better to private message.
Please continue to use as you are, with respect.
To join, contact Jamie on 07976 011903
  • How to private message. Hold finger on message. An emoji box appears above the message and an options box appears below the message. The last option says 'more'. Tap more. Another options box appears. The top option says 'reply privately'. Tap this option. Type and send your message.